
that was ugly...

Getting back in on Monday was refreshing. I had a rough morning with Gabby, seeing as how she has figured out that when she goes to the door she gets to go outside. The problem with this is I now have no idea whether she wants to go out to play or needs to go out. My legs have gotten their fair share of stairs since Saturday. This morning, I woke up at five and had to pee. Of course she saw me from her crate get up and go to the bathroom, and the whining ensues. Thirty minutes later I can go back to sleep...for thirty minutes. Sheesh.
Monday morning we were supposed to do five sets of ring dips. Hilarious. I can barely hold myself up on the rings, let alone dip. We did practice though, and Mike laughed at me constantly. So box dips it was. No worries here, except that my shoulder kept popping. That was fun. Mike changed my arm position, and all was better.
The WOD was this:
5 rounds for time
10 power snatch
15 push ups
20 abmat sit ups
1 minute of rest
For the power snatch, I still have to use the bar. I could most likely add weight, but Mike wants these done unbroken, so the thirty three pound bar it is. As for push ups, my arms are no match for five rounds of fifteen. So I attach a blue band to the pull up bar to assist. By round four, I need the green band. Sit ups suck. My core is so weak. Sit ups are the slowest part of my workout.
Power snatches start off ok. First set of push ups are ok. First set of sit ups are...ok. Second set is a little slower. Third set...on the push ups, I'm having to do five at a time. On the fifteenth one of the third set, Mike is really having to motivate me to push. That one push up felt like it took two minutes to complete. My right arm just would not straighten. I finish it though, and Mike comments, "that was ugly". "I know it was", I reply. He switches me to the green band.
The green band was a relief. I'm able to almost fly through push ups at this point, and feel better. After all, we are doing this for time. My rounds finish up as follows, and no, I don't want to calculate the duration for each.
Round one: 0-1.58
Round two: 2.58-5.00
Round three: 6.00-8.53
Round four: 9.53-12.15
Round five: 13.15-15.32
All in all...fifteen minutes. Not terrible. My arms are dead though. Between power snatches and push ups after dips...my arms need a break.
My legs need a break too. I've taken Gabby out four times whilst typing this entry. Lucky me.

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