
Look ma...NO BANDS!!!

Last night I bothered Michael Kelley to find out what our wod was going to be for today.  In my defense, I never ask, he was late posting it.  Once I saw it, I was excited.

You see, Alex P. (who's last name will remain P because I can't spell it, or pronounce it), just became a Doctor of Physics.  Therefore, to celebrate, we did a wod of three of his favorite things.

"Dr. Pron"
5 pull ups
7 toes to bar
9 box jumps

I'm excited because I'm good at box jumps.  I'm ok at pull ups, and I've much improved on toes to bar.  So today's wod would be a fun challenge as opposed to yesterday's mess.

Arriving at the gym this morning, I caught the tail end of the six am class.  They were killing it.  They were also very sweaty.  And Coach Paul was on all fours after the wod, that was the point that I knew today would be killer.

After rolling out, our strength portion was:

Low Bar Back Squat (percentages are of 5RM, mine was 113#)
5 @ 65% 73#
5 @ 75% 83#
3 @ 85% 98#
2 @ 95% 108#
2 @ 105% 118#
2 @ 105% 118#
2 @ 105% 118#

LBB Squats went ok.  I feel as though I still let the weight intimidate me a little too much.  The one time I maxed out at 133# Michael Kelley was just putting weight on the bar and I didn't know what weight it was.  When I do the weight myself, I let it get in my head.  I mean, I'm squatting my weight twice by three sets right now.  I start to think of what if I can't.  That's my problem.  Today I tried to change that.  Today, I tried to remind myself of yesterday, and how defeated I felt by my own mind.  I was determined not to let this happen today.  Once I did my three sets at 118#, I felt like I could have done a little more.  I let the feeling slide as I know we will start Westside programming next week, and therefore be maxing this squat out.

Then, it was time for the wod.  This was the real test for me.  I jumped on the bar and did two body weight pull ups.  They felt ok.  Michael Kelley looks at me and says, "don't waste it on that".  He's right.  Save it.  I ask him, "should I get an orange band?"  He tells me no.  Okay then.  I do a few box jumps on the 24 inch box, which is what I normally use, and he tells me I should go higher.  Normally, I would, however, after 100 wall ball and two 400 meter runs yesterday, I politely decline.  He doesn't raise a fuss, so I know I might have a point.

So Michael Kelley starts the clock, 3...2...1...and I jump up for pull ups.  The first set goes unbroken.  With NO BANDS...what???  I drop, take a second, and then back up for toes to bar, also unbroken.  Box jumps go well too, although my legs are tired from yesterday, and I can absolutely tell a difference.  They are tougher than normal.  I'm not floating like normal.

Set two, jump up to the bar.  1...2...3...4...5...unbroken again!  Drop for a rest, then back up for toes to bar.  Set two of these is also unbroken.  Box jumps are making me feel heavy today, and set two is no different.

Set three, after a breather from box jumps, (which I now regret), I take the bar, and bang out five more unbroken pull ups.  I can hear Michael Kelley saying "big hips!!!".  I know I might be doing something right.  Drop after five, then back up for toes to bar, third set goes unbroken.

Sets four and five are identical to that.  My breather might get a second or two longer, but all sets of pull ups and toes to bar go unbroken for the day.  I cannot tell you how great that felt!

My final score for the day was 6+5.  I got six total rounds, and my seventh set of unbroken pull ups!!!  I left the gym today feeling very accomplished.

I sent Michael Kelley a text thanking him for telling me not to use a band.  I doubt myself a little too much sometimes, and Michael Kelley always has that boost of confidence I sometimes can't find.  This is why our box is so amazing.  There are so many people in this box that care about your performance.  Not on a competitive level, but on an inspirational level.  They are happy to be proud of you, they are happy to cheer you on, and they share in the joy of your accomplishments.  This gym is a community that constantly has open arms for new members.  I welcome anyone to come visit our gym, and to see just how friendly and welcoming this place is.  Even for beginners, there's always someone willing to help and encourage you to do your best. 

Damn pull ups made me sappy today.

Lemon out.

Sunday Funday...or some other kind of day

Why hello there.  I will be posting twice today because I was far too tired and lazy to blog yesterday.  Yes indeed, too lazy to blog.  It happens.

Saturday required me to go out of town, therefore I was not able to make it to the regularly scheduled Saturday class.  I told Michael Kelley I would see him Sunday.  His response, "it's going to suck alone".  Great.  He even sent me a nice little text about how much it sucked that afternoon.

Thankfully, when I woke up Sunday morning, I noticed I had been tagged in something on Facebook.  Once I look, I find out the lovely Claire Powell will be there with me.  Thank goodness!  Now I won't have to be completely alone.

Upon arriving at the gym, lots of people are showing up.  This is a fun crowd.  Coaches Michael Kelley and Paul are both there, along with a slew of other people.  Most importantly, Claire shows up. 

After all our stretching, our task is to choose a bodyweight exercise and complete two to five reps on the minute for ten minutes.  We both choose hand stand push ups.  The first two sets, I complete five reps with one ab mat under my head.  The last eight, I complete three reps each time.  It got harder, but they got completed.  At that point, it's time to start the wod.  I'm nervous at this point.  A few have already told me they had to walk the second 400 meters, and I was unsure of the weight I was going to use.

The wod goes as follows:

2 rounds:
400m med ball run
50 wall ball
24 pull ups

At this point, I've never used a wall ball heavier than twelve pounds.  So I grab that.  As Claire and I are standing there, Coach Paul comes up and asks us about our weight.  I tell him I'm using twelve because that's what I used for Karen.  He tells me to get fourteen.  I whine a little...and he says, "well don't ask me".  Touche Coach Paul, and I grab the fourteen.  Claire grabs the twelve as instructed, and we decided to start when the clock hits an even twenty minutes.

A minute later, we are gone, and keeping up with one another at the beginning.  We can even chat at this point, tossing the ball back and forth between shoulders as instructed by Michael Kelley.  This run sucks.  But I know this run is only the beginning.

Wall ball is awful. I don't like it, never have.  But I'm determined to finish.  Sets of five is all I can muster.  The problem was that I was mentally defeated before I even started.  That's a huge set back for me.  I really have to start with a positive attitude so I can finish.  This whole starting with the negative attitude of how hard it's going to be does not help me.  The little tutorial Coach Paul gave us is helping me a lot.  Wall ball completed, I move to pull ups.

I've got a blue band hanging, but during the wall ball I ask Kristin Kirby to get me a green one, as I feel like I'm going to need it.  I go over, and there is a blue and an orange on the side, just in case.  I start with blue, get six reps in, and quickly realize that I need the orange as well.  During pull ups, Coach Paul comes over to instruct me.  Apparently, I'm pausing at the top, only exerting more energy than necessary.  So after that round, he instructs me to push back off the bar as soon as I get my chin to it.  This is helpful because I didn't even know I was pausing.  He yells push, push, push, every time I get to the top.  It makes perfect sense.

After pull ups is the other run.  I start out at the slowest jog ever.  I get to the fifty meter mark, and Claire is on her way back in...we high five...barely able to speak to each other...and keep trucking.  I'm walking...the last fifty, Michael Kelley comes out to make sure I haven't died I'm sure, and I jog back in. 

Second set of wall ball goes ok.  It's about the same as the first, but I'm starting to get dizzy.  My spells are kicking in, or I'm just working that hard.  Funny, feels like I was just starting to give up.  This wod is very mentally challenging for me.  I pause more than I'd like, but can't seem to catch my breath.  My mind is telling me to stop, which is never good for me.  I try to push through, but for some reason my mind is winning over my body today.  Defeating it.

Pull ups finish with four sets of six, and I'm done.  Total time?  25.15.  Ugh.

I go over and sit down on the wall ball against the wall with my water bottle for what feels like five minutes or so.  That was tough.  There was supposed to be a time cap of twenty minutes...I just wanted to finish.

So Sunday afternoon, I made a decision.  Regardless of how hard it feels, I have to keep pushing, have to keep telling myself and my body yes instead of no.  Sunday was a game changer for me...and it motivated me to work twice as hard today.

I huge thanks to Coach Paul for the instruction, Coach Mike for the motivation and keeping me centered, and Kristin, Chris, Thomas, and Paul for cheering for us.  And a big thank you to Claire, who, even though she left me in the dust, came back to do the wall hip stretch and chat when she was done.  :)  She's the best!  I must add that we both hit PR's today.  Claire had never used a wall ball heavier than ten pounds prior to today, and I had never used heavier than twelve.  Go us!!!


my quiet time...

Long awaited Friday. 

For the last few months, Fridays have been set aside for front squats, high bar back squats, and a wod.  I feel as though I struggle with front squats.  I don't feel as though I have the core strength I need to really feel comfortable with front squats.  That's probably a question for Michael Kelley.  I'd ask him if he ever stopped yelling at me.

You see...he may have a reason to yell.  I work hard in the gym.  I feel like I put in the work.  I still don't look how I want.  Why?  It's not for lack of trying in the box, it's my diet.  A few weeks ago I attempted Whole 30.  That was a mistake on my part.  I should have gone in stages to work to it.  I've never done well with strict plans like that.  Michael Kelley says I need mental strength training, or as he likes to call it, MindFit.  He's right.  Food should not defeat me.  How pathetic is that?

Recently I've broken Whole 30.  My downfall?  Chocolate.  Plus I'm weak.  Let's face it, when you can't conquer your diet and you work as hard in the gym as I do...that's what it is.  Weak minded.  Which is funny since I'm so damn stubborn and strong willed about everything else.  Michael Kelley was none too happy.

I've made a goal though, with the advice from the lovely Claire Powell, I've decided to start small.  I'm cutting out grains.  Step one.  Last night I after my text war and getting reprimanded by Michael Kelley, I immediately went to my pantry and cleared out the things I should have cleared out weeks ago.  Pasta...gone.  Pancake mix...gone.  Chocolate...GONE.  Gasp.  That was painful to do.  I even had to walk it down to the dumpster immediately so I wouldn't change my mind.

This blog is called Tales of a Quitter.  Because in all honesty, that's what I have been doing.  I quit on the diet.  But I'll bounce back.  The key to falling off the wagon is to get immediately back up and hop back on.  Don't wait for the next wagon to come pick you up...chase that other mofo down.  I've had a history of letting my disappointment in myself affect my future progress.  I've been self-defeating for so long.  It's time that things change.  So here, on this Friday, I've decided to put me first.  To be hard on myself without being harsh.  To not let my stumbles turn into full blown failure.

With all that being said, and me sharing FAR more than I ever do, I'll lead you into today's programming.

Strength was to work up to a heavy set of three on front squat.  Last week I was able to get 113# once.  My old 1RM is 113#.  Last week I had to bail as I attempted my second rep.  Thankfully Coach Paul used me as an example of the right way to bail.  See, even sometimes when I fail I win! 

So today, the plan was to get 113# for three.  Warm up sets were fine.  I had Jeff and Heather A. across from me on the rack.  It's a motivating sight.  Jeff and I always used to be rack buddies.  I feel so bad for him though that he has to witness the faces I'm sure to make when lifting heavy weights. 

My sets went as follows:
3 x 63#
3 x 83#
3 x 103#
3 x 113#

I got my 113#.  Not too bad considering that was my old 1RM.  Things can only go up from here.

Immediately following, was a set of twenty reps on high  bar back squat.  Last week was 73#.  This week was to be 78#.

20 x 78#...done.  Don't be fooled, it was not fun, or very easy.  But I probably could have done more. 

Our conditioning:

10 shoulder to overhead (style of choice) 90% of 5RM press from Tuesday
10 box jumps or bench jump overs
10 kettlebell swings

My 5RM press from Tuesday was 63#.  Ninety percent of that is 56#.  So I ask Michael Kelley (and yes, I have to use his full name), should I do 53# or 58#?  He just looks at me.  I say, "58# then?".   He nods.

I'm setting up for box jumps, and I always use the 24" box.  I like box jumps.  It's one of the things I'm good at.  Michael Kelley comes over and tells me I should try jump overs.  With my best sad face I say, "but I like box jumps, I'm good at them".  He tells me jump overs are more challenging.  Jump overs it is.

When choosing a kettlebell, he walks over and says "35# or 40#".  I grab 40#.  When I set it down, I immediately think, what have I just done?

After hastily wrapping my wrists for me, because he was not happy with me, we get started.

First round of s2o goes ok.  58# isn't so bad yet.  I'm able to do the first set unbroken.  First round of jump overs goes alright as well.  Then...kettlebell swings.  As you all well know, the kettlebell makes me feel like Bambi learning how to walk.  I just feel awkward like I'm going to fall over.  And swinging one-third of my body weight doesn't help.  But kb swings go ok.  Then back to s2o.  But first, I have to tie my shoe.

Second round is a little more difficult.  I try to be smart and do five, then drop, then do five more.  I have this nasty habit of not pacing myself correctly and I burn out...fast.  So five-five and on to jump overs again.  At this point jump overs feel like a break.  I try to make it a game, at least in my head.  Second set of kb swings goes as planned, unbroken.  I'm slightly impressed with myself.

Third set, I don't really remember.  In all seriousness, I can't recall.  Fourth set I know my arms are dying.  I have to break kb swings in fourth set.

Fifth set and this is where Michael Kelley starts his yelling.  I've already tampered with his mood enough today, and now here he comes, like a hornet just waiting to be pissed off so he can sting you.  Fifth round, five s2o, drop, five more s20, drop.  I barely pause on the jump overs, but as I do the ninth one I take a milli-second break, and I hear him scream, "don't stop".  He's right, if I want to finish this round, I can't take breaks.  As soon as the tenth one is done, I pick up the kettlebell.  I hate this kettlebell.  I'm swinging, remaining unbroken, and I hear him counting down.  I get to nine, and I stop, because I SWEAR I hear Michael Kelley is on zero.  Nope, just my brain screwing with me.  I had two seconds left. I wasn't happy.  I said the words out loud, "I just want to lay down".  So I did.

So my total score was 5 + 29.  Yep...one shy of a complete round.

One rep away.  Sheesh.  I'll get that one rep next time.

The title of the blog today is probably deceiving.  My quiet time involves the sound of Michael Kelley yelling, or Coach Paul counting down, or weights hitting the floor, or feet hitting the box.  The highlight of my day, second to crawling in bed, is the box. 


time management...

Second day in a row?  Be shocked.  I know.  Also...you're welcome.

Wednesdays have never been my favorite days.  They are two days away from Monday, but two days away from Friday, and people call it "hump" day.  Idk, just never been my favorite.  Also...I have started saying the letters "idk" in place of the words "I don't know".  Don't ask.  It's very teenage girl of me, but for some reason, I can't stop.

Abbreviations aside, Wednesdays have quickly become a special day to me lately.  Wednesdays are deadlift days.  I like deadlifts.  They make me feel strong.  My old three rep max was 168#.  Today was supposed to be no different.  But it was.

First, there was the very big problem that I was in full make-up.  This presents several problems.  I typically attend the morning class with a fresh face.  I feel like my face will melt off during the workout when I have make-up on.  It would be like a really freakish CrossFit horror movie in which the short sweaty girl frightens off the rest of the gym members due to looking like Freddy.  Or was it Jason?  Idk.  Also when I begin to sweat the make-up can get in my eyes and it stings.  Tonight was no exception.  Perhaps I should wash my face before evening workouts from now on.  You know, get all clean and fresh for the gym.  Wait.....

Today before deadlifts Michael Kelley tells us to work up to a heavy set of three, or if last week was hard, to work up to that weight at five instead if we want.  I have a problem with warm up sets.  I never know if I want to warm up with lighter weight and then jump to my goal, or if I want to steadily work up to it and only have to jump ten pounds.  That being said, today my time management was very poor.  I worked up to 153# for five reps.  Michael Kelley was NOT impressed. 

I will take this regularly scheduled break to note a very special conversation and accomplishment.  Upon getting ready for the wod, Kristin asked me how deadlifts went, I very shortly explained how poor I am with my time management skills, then asked her what she did.  Ms. Kristin Kirby entered the 200# club tonight!  So a huge congrats to her!!!  There are several women in the 200# deadlift club, and each one is equally impressive and amazing!  Hopefully with Michael Kelley's time management assistance, I can get there sooner than later!

Tonight's wod consisted of the following:

4 rounds for repetitions
1 minute plate burpees (25# plate)
1 minute toes to bar
1 minute double unders
1 minute rest

Sets go as follows:
1. 14, 13, 30  Total: 57
2. 13, 11, 22  Total: 46
3. 12, 9, 13     Total: 34
4. 10, 10, 7     Total: 27

Round one was ok.  I felt like I was keeping a pace, and burpees aren't my specialty.  Add a 25# plate on top, and it's magic that I can get that many done in sixty seconds.  Toes to bar is also another favorite.  I have decided that my body just likes to swing on the bar instead of kip.  Kipping is a skill, one I have not yet mastered.  It's a work in progress.  Double unders are my mortal enemy, well, right behind wall ball, and running, and maybe rowing.  Anyway...I think Michael Kelley secretly hates me.  Or maybe he's just mad at me.  Why, you ask?  Because he took burpees, added weight, then toes to bar, then double unders, and made it a wod.  Three of the most challenging things about the box to me were the wod.  He should name that one after me.  Seriously.  Then everyone can say "I hate Brooke".  But then again no one would ever say that.  I'm friggen fantastic.

Second round was almost on par to first.  At this point I'm slowing, but keeping somewhat of a pace.  Double unders are coming more easily than they typically do, and I'm not sure why, but I've learned not to question it when things come slightly more easily.

Round three sucked.  You see that right?  It S U C K E D.  At the end of round three, I sit down, frustrated, glad I'm done.  Then I hear Michael Kelley say "thirty seconds".  Wait...what?  Oh damn, that's right.  FOUR rounds.  Not three.  Shit.

Round four was just  pathetic.  Round four it took everything I had to do ten burpees in one minute, ten toes to bar in one minute, and the double unders just completely disappeared at this point.

Practice makes perfect, so that's what I'll do.  In the other window of my browser, I am currently ordering an RX Jump rope.  Well not right now, but I need to choose the size, and the color, color is terribly important!  I shall practice until I can defeat double unders. 

Once the wod was complete, we had a three minute glute bridge task to complete.  I chose a 25# dumbbell.  Sixty two reps in three minutes.  Sheesh...my ass was on fire. 

So, what did we learn today? 

1. Brooke needs to improve her time management while in the box.
B. Kristin Kirby is, in fact, a beast.  Also, I attribute her success to my kind words in my last post.
III. Double unders will soon become my bitch.

Tis all tonight my loving and adoring fans.  I shall re-connect at some point on Friday, seeing as how Thursday is REST day! 

Goodnight my loves.


3 months gone...

Now, before you get all judgemental, I've been working out the whole time.  In the past few months, I've missed no days with the exception of Saturdays, and I've very much improved.

Let's start with the goals I've achieved.  First, there was squatting my body weight, that was old news I believe.

Next...there was BODY WEIGHT PULL UPS.  That's right...I did pull ups.  Yep...no band required.  Did about eight one day.  Uh huh...you read that right.

Next...there is my new three rep max on deadlift of 168#.  Indeed.

So now that I've bragged on myself, let's update on the status of the box.

Crossfit Zeal is by far one of my favorite places.  Not just my favorite gym, but one of my favorite places.  It's a place I can go to improve myself.  It's a place I can fail and still know that I am improving.  It's a place I can go that is free of judgement, because everyone is there for the same reason.  It's a place where I can compare myself to others, but truly only compete against myself.  I use others as motivation.

There are some fantastic women in my gym.  Take Lauren, this girl is like a machine.  She's my size, small and compact, yet she deadlifts over 200#, squats around 200# I think, and can clean in the 130# range if I remember correctly.  Okay, I may stalk her on the board a little.  Before you get all creeped out, I promise it's out of sheer admiration.  The things she can accomplish make me think that maybe I can do that too.

Then there's Kristin.  This girl has the endurance of a maniac.  A workout that takes me nine minutes takes her six.  She is constantly cheering others on once she's done, and always has the biggest smile and kindest things to say.  She's confident and sure about her abilities, yet still extremely supportive of the ones around her.  She's a rare gem.

Then there's Heather A.  I have to mention the "A" because we have several Heathers'.  Heather is older than I am, yet looks my age.  She has a husband and a family, and she looks fantastic.  She's strong and solid, and as impressive as Lauren.  She's kind and unique.  Her red hair sets her apart like her strength does.

The other red head that is just gorgeous as ever is Claire.  I feel as though I'm always chasing Claire.  I've had the joy of working out with her more than any of these women, and I've had the pleasure of watching her improve.  From having to use a box to squat coming off a hip injury, to doing "Fran" today with 53# thrusters and breaking parallel.  Watching a woman with that kind of strength and resilience is incredibly motivating.

I'll complete my stalker complimenting list with Johanna.  Johanna is new to CrossFit, as most of us, and is probably the kindest, purest person I know.  She's quiet, but when she speaks you listen, because there is always a kind word to be heard.  She's powerful and improving quickly.  It's been awesome to watch her as well.  Watching her learn the movements and get stronger.  She's gained strength quickly.  She recently organized a girls night for the gym, she's incredibly thoughtful, and absolutely stunning.

The men of the gym are just as amazing.  But I better not boast about them too terribly much or I'll have hell to pay in the size of ego's tomorrow.

Coach Mike, whom I write a lot about, or used to, truly cares about the performance of every athlete in the gym.  He wants to see improvement, and he watches carefully to not only guide us, but to learn what motivates us.  He educates us, and pushes us in ways a lot of us could not push ourselves.  I know personally he has learned when I'm struggling, and what to say to get me back in the zone.  He practices what he preaches, and he's an absolute role model for everyone that watches him.

Coach Paul is, in a word, unique.  He's freakishly athletic, and watching him wod is like watching one of the little energizer bunny puppets, he just won't stop.  When he coaches, people listen.  He explains why he's asking you to do certain movements or warm ups, he goes out of his way to ensure that you understand what it is you are doing.  During strength workouts, he watches everyone individually to ensure accuracy in their movements.  Working out with Paul is always a blessing, as I always walk away with knowledge and confidence.

Paul's husband, Jeff, is another of my favorite people.  I'm always happy to see him in my class.  He's incredibly sweet and hilarious.  And he doesn't stop.  I feel as though I'm always one step   behind him in the wods, I can see him out of the corner of my eye right ahead of me.  He's always lending a hand whether it be a motivating word, or helping to clean up after the wods.  Also, he lets me steal his tape.  :)

I write all this to lead up to this...

My gym has been my backbone recently.  It has been the one constant thing that has made perfect sense.  Weights don't lie.  Improvement doesn't lie.  The comments I get from my family aren't just nice comments, they are truly impressed.  When work has me stressed to the brink, or when things get a little overwhelming, I can count on this gym to simplify it. 

I walk in every day and there is a plan laid out.  There is a coach ready to take you by the hand and lead you through the movements.  There are people there to motivate and encourage you. 

Now that I've completely sapped out, we can snap out of this and get back to normal.

Today was "Fran".  Fran is this little bitch that is 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull ups.  What is a "thruster" you ask?  Haha...shut up.

A thruster is basically a front squat with a push press at the top of the movement.  Trust me, it's as fun as it sounds.  That paired with pull ups made for a very sweaty, very tired, very frustrated Brooke today.  See?  Fran even makes me talk in third person.  Told you she was a bitch.

Now that I'm back and you're so excited...I'll try to update on a more weekly basis than quarterly from now on.  Get excited...things will get back to normal soon...