
3 months gone...

Now, before you get all judgemental, I've been working out the whole time.  In the past few months, I've missed no days with the exception of Saturdays, and I've very much improved.

Let's start with the goals I've achieved.  First, there was squatting my body weight, that was old news I believe.

Next...there was BODY WEIGHT PULL UPS.  That's right...I did pull ups.  Yep...no band required.  Did about eight one day.  Uh huh...you read that right.

Next...there is my new three rep max on deadlift of 168#.  Indeed.

So now that I've bragged on myself, let's update on the status of the box.

Crossfit Zeal is by far one of my favorite places.  Not just my favorite gym, but one of my favorite places.  It's a place I can go to improve myself.  It's a place I can fail and still know that I am improving.  It's a place I can go that is free of judgement, because everyone is there for the same reason.  It's a place where I can compare myself to others, but truly only compete against myself.  I use others as motivation.

There are some fantastic women in my gym.  Take Lauren, this girl is like a machine.  She's my size, small and compact, yet she deadlifts over 200#, squats around 200# I think, and can clean in the 130# range if I remember correctly.  Okay, I may stalk her on the board a little.  Before you get all creeped out, I promise it's out of sheer admiration.  The things she can accomplish make me think that maybe I can do that too.

Then there's Kristin.  This girl has the endurance of a maniac.  A workout that takes me nine minutes takes her six.  She is constantly cheering others on once she's done, and always has the biggest smile and kindest things to say.  She's confident and sure about her abilities, yet still extremely supportive of the ones around her.  She's a rare gem.

Then there's Heather A.  I have to mention the "A" because we have several Heathers'.  Heather is older than I am, yet looks my age.  She has a husband and a family, and she looks fantastic.  She's strong and solid, and as impressive as Lauren.  She's kind and unique.  Her red hair sets her apart like her strength does.

The other red head that is just gorgeous as ever is Claire.  I feel as though I'm always chasing Claire.  I've had the joy of working out with her more than any of these women, and I've had the pleasure of watching her improve.  From having to use a box to squat coming off a hip injury, to doing "Fran" today with 53# thrusters and breaking parallel.  Watching a woman with that kind of strength and resilience is incredibly motivating.

I'll complete my stalker complimenting list with Johanna.  Johanna is new to CrossFit, as most of us, and is probably the kindest, purest person I know.  She's quiet, but when she speaks you listen, because there is always a kind word to be heard.  She's powerful and improving quickly.  It's been awesome to watch her as well.  Watching her learn the movements and get stronger.  She's gained strength quickly.  She recently organized a girls night for the gym, she's incredibly thoughtful, and absolutely stunning.

The men of the gym are just as amazing.  But I better not boast about them too terribly much or I'll have hell to pay in the size of ego's tomorrow.

Coach Mike, whom I write a lot about, or used to, truly cares about the performance of every athlete in the gym.  He wants to see improvement, and he watches carefully to not only guide us, but to learn what motivates us.  He educates us, and pushes us in ways a lot of us could not push ourselves.  I know personally he has learned when I'm struggling, and what to say to get me back in the zone.  He practices what he preaches, and he's an absolute role model for everyone that watches him.

Coach Paul is, in a word, unique.  He's freakishly athletic, and watching him wod is like watching one of the little energizer bunny puppets, he just won't stop.  When he coaches, people listen.  He explains why he's asking you to do certain movements or warm ups, he goes out of his way to ensure that you understand what it is you are doing.  During strength workouts, he watches everyone individually to ensure accuracy in their movements.  Working out with Paul is always a blessing, as I always walk away with knowledge and confidence.

Paul's husband, Jeff, is another of my favorite people.  I'm always happy to see him in my class.  He's incredibly sweet and hilarious.  And he doesn't stop.  I feel as though I'm always one step   behind him in the wods, I can see him out of the corner of my eye right ahead of me.  He's always lending a hand whether it be a motivating word, or helping to clean up after the wods.  Also, he lets me steal his tape.  :)

I write all this to lead up to this...

My gym has been my backbone recently.  It has been the one constant thing that has made perfect sense.  Weights don't lie.  Improvement doesn't lie.  The comments I get from my family aren't just nice comments, they are truly impressed.  When work has me stressed to the brink, or when things get a little overwhelming, I can count on this gym to simplify it. 

I walk in every day and there is a plan laid out.  There is a coach ready to take you by the hand and lead you through the movements.  There are people there to motivate and encourage you. 

Now that I've completely sapped out, we can snap out of this and get back to normal.

Today was "Fran".  Fran is this little bitch that is 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull ups.  What is a "thruster" you ask?  Haha...shut up.

A thruster is basically a front squat with a push press at the top of the movement.  Trust me, it's as fun as it sounds.  That paired with pull ups made for a very sweaty, very tired, very frustrated Brooke today.  See?  Fran even makes me talk in third person.  Told you she was a bitch.

Now that I'm back and you're so excited...I'll try to update on a more weekly basis than quarterly from now on.  Get excited...things will get back to normal soon...

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