This post dedicated to Thomas James Kelley, for without his poorly timed and obviously forced enthusiastic support, I would not have thought to put him in this blog.
Today was spent in a training conference for commercial lines insurance. I assumed this class was to last from 830 to 1630. Mostly because that's what the information sheet said. I was wrong. This class lasted from 830 to 1645, much to my dismay. I was all set to make it to the trip for the 1715 class. I did...barely.
In the process of getting there, I realized I had forgotten my socks. Perfect. I had also forgotten my second set of shorts. Also perfect. You see, I wear a set of compression type shorts, then layer a regular pair of sports shorts over it. I get a little iffy about wearing the compression shorts alone. Oh well, today I had no choice. Michael Kelley was kind enough to let me have a pair of Zeal socks...I will have to remember to thank him...with payment.
I had the awesome pleasure of having four other lovely ladies in the 1715 class with me today. It has been a while since I've had all females in the class. Then Kabool showed up. Then Thomas James Kelley, then, to my pure excitement, Coach Paul, and to make it even better...KK!!! They were not planning on working out with the class, but I think these crazy Zealots were doing their second workout of the day. Makes me think I should be doing the same. Perhaps I shall try, once my other big life events settle. Right now I'm lucky to convince my body to do once per day. I kid...sort of.
We began with split jerk technique. I enjoy this, because I feel like I'm good at it. I haven't done them in quite some time, so I'm excited. What's even more exciting is Michael Kelley's demonstration. You see...on Saturday...part of the WOD was 100 pull ups for time. Michael Kelley is still bitching about his arms. He says it hurts to bend, and it hurts to straighten, and it hurts. Blah blah blah. Oddly enough, Thomas James Kelley's arms hurt too. Weird twin moment? I think so. Or they are both just huge big babies. That's more likely.
Side note, I think Coach Paul might be rubbing off on me. I can deal with that.
So after split jerk technique was the actual movement with weight. I set a rack in the middle of the gym, because there are five ladies, and four racks. We are to do the weight until we are comfortable with it, and work up for twenty minutes.
2x63# I had a slight stumble on the first attempt
2x83# another slight stumble
I know that's a lot of information, but what's important is that each set felt great. Apparently I have decent technique on split jerk. I shall do them more often.
It hurts not that KK is there cheering me on. This is also where Thomas James Kelley is to insert his obviously forced enthusiasm in order to appear in the blog. He's such an attention whore.
At that point, it's onto the WOD. It looks interesting today. This is where the organized chaos begins. In the rest of the gym, Thomas James Kelley and KK are doing overhead squats, Coach Paul is doing deadlifts, Kabool is somewhere, and Nicole is stretching. For the five ladies of the 1715 class, our WOD was as follows:
20 minutes
60 meter sled pull
1-2 min of heavy ab work (L-sits, L-hangs, planks)
1-2 minutes of skill work
Now, this seems quite confusing, the point is to do the sled pull, then come in and start 1-2 minutes of abdominal work. After 1-2 minutes, move onto your selected skill practice for 1-2 minutes. Rotate at your own pace. For the abdominal work, I chose the L-hang (which quickly turned into a high knee hang), and for my skill, I chose handstand walks. All the ladies start out with a 45lb weight on the 11lb sled.
It's hard to really describe this WOD round by round, because you're not really going for rounds. But if we were, I completed 4, with an additional sled pull. The first 2 sled pulls I towed 45lbs, the last 3 I went with 55lbs. The handstand walk/hold practice I think was beneficial. I want to improve on my balance with that. The hold I can do, the walking and balance without the wall need improvement.
All in all, today was fun. I was in a sour mood when I got to the gym today. But after seeing Michael Kelley and his arm problem, and Thomas James Kelley with his arm problem and desperation for attention, and Coach Paul with his new deadlift PR, and KK just ended up on a positive note.
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