Happy Wednesday...or as some of you know it...hump day. I've never understood that. My hump day is typically Monday. You know, the hump to get over to get through the rest of the week? Yep...that's Monday for me.
So remember that rough day I had Monday? Yep. Today was pretty tough too. I've had a rough go of it lately, but today, I knew how my day would end...with the box. That's what I had to look forward to. I was hoping to make it to the 1715 class (I will continue to use the 24 hour clock just for Michael Kelley), but since I worked until 1800, I had to settle for the 1830 class. There are some tough people in the last class of the day. It's always a pleasure to catch that class with the people in it.
Upon my arrival, I grab a roller to help these sore sore muscles. I roll, or attempt to roll, my glutes first. O U C H. Ouch. I'm wincing while rolling out. Today on facebook I compared the soreness of my muscles to dying a little each time I drop something on the floor and have to pick it up. Seriously. I'm sore when I sit, sore when I stand, sore when I bend. I'm. Just. Sore. But I love it.
Thomas James Kelley is there, and he appears as if a ghost from the wall. One second he's nowhere to be seen, the next he appears out of thin air all sweaty and disheveled. There's your mention Thomas James Kelley. Attention whore appeased.
Kylie was also in attendance. I fear she may have been drugged as she was very friendly and social tonight. I'm afraid she may be tiring of Michael Kelley, and this was her cry for help.
So we do our stretching, rolling, and warm ups. Last part of the warm up is wall climbs. Michael Kelley asks if anyone knows wall climbs. One of these days I'll learn to keep my mouth shut. I'm now the demonstrator. You see, a wall climb is when you start in push up position with your feet against the wall. You then climb in reverse, feet up the wall, bringing your chest closer to the wall, as close as you can, then walk back down. We are to do these for three minutes, once every thirty seconds.
After a sufficient warm up, the plan for the day is this:
A. ME push press
B. Bradford press 3x6
Kettlebell bent over row 3x10
4 chest to bar pull ups
4 handstand push ups
8 kettlebell swings
D. DB roll back 3x12
Band pull apart 100 reps
Push press I get paired up with Margie and Danielle. I've just met Danielle, and she seems very nice. Plus she gives Michael Kelley a hard time so I like her instantly. Reps on push press for me go as follows...
5x33# (strict press)
5x43# (strict press)
I'll take this regularly scheduled time out to mention that I hit another PR tonight. One of the girls failed at 88#, and Michael Kelley was being a girl about having to pick it up to put it back on the rack. Therefore, I cleaned it. I officially hit another 5# PR tonight!!! That's right. My previous PR was 83# I think.
I wanted to try 98# on push press, but Michael Kelley tells me not to be greedy. Fine. Granted, 93# was tough, but I just really wanted 98#. My goal was to get into the 80's, I conquered that. This is a 25# PR over my strict press of 68#. I'm satisfied.
Onto Bradford press and bent over row. Bradford press is interesting, you press the bar right over your head and take it behind your head, then bring it back. Now, you're not fully pressing in the air, just enough to clear your head. Back and forth is one rep. I have never done these before so I use 38#. I'm glad. These are actually tough even at 38#. For kb bent over row, I use a 26# kb.
The AMRAP I've been looking forward to since last night when I read it. Why? Pull ups. It's been a while since I've done them it feels like, and they one of my new favorite things. Probably very close to my favorite, maybe right behind split jerk. I wonder if I should use a band, these are chest to bar, after all. Michael Kelley tells me to do a couple, and tells me to struggle without a band if I have to. Sweet. I'm actually very excited about this. I grab one mat for handstand push ups, because that's what I typically use, and I grab a 40# kettlebell. That's right...on my own...I grab 40#.
First set pull ups go unbroken, and feel great. Handstand push ups are tough, and immediately after this set, I grab another mat to add. They don't feel very strong today. Kettlebell swings are ok surprisingly. Forty pounds is feeling pretty heavy though. I move a chip.
Second round, pull ups go nearly unbroken, I never had to drop from the bar, but had to stop my rhythm to adjust my grip between three and four because I felt as though I was falling off. Back to handstand push ups. Two mats is too much, so I turn one of the mats around so it's like one and a half mats. As I go to do my second set of swings, I notice that there are green chips waiting on me. GREEN.
Let me tell you, I'm a little obsessive about this. When we do AMRAPs, I have to have all red chips. Have to. Don't ask, it's just a thing. And Michael Kelley knows this. So while I'm working hard, he replaces all of my reds with greens. No no no no no. No. I yell at Michael Kelley, then I change them out with red. This matters. Second set of kb swings feels just as heavy.
Third set pull ups are unbroken with a small grip readjustment. HSPU are ok, kb swings are getting rough. Fourth and fifth sets go ok as well. As I come back for my sixth set of kb swings...what else is there by my kb but BLUE chips. Seriously. He's struck again. At this point my arms are tired, I'm dripping sweat, and I'm huffing. I decide to grimace and accept it after a disapproving look to Michael Kelley.
Final score...7+2. I'm satisfied.
Burnout was DB roll backs. These are too difficult to describe, or maybe I don't want to. Don't judge me. Also, band pull aparts. It's at this point that Michael Kelley is unreachable by mention of his name or by yelling. He's nose deep in his phone, and keeps looking at his shirt. Once I get his attention to try and assist me in my movement, he's red. Why? Because the new shirts we got that we ordered have a spelling error. GASP. Someone spelled pursuit wrong. It's spelled PURSIUT on the shirts. Michael Kelley is none too thrilled. He's livid.
Back to me...back to me. So I use 10# dbs for my roll backs, and a red band for pull aparts. I complete all sets of 12 and all 100 pull aparts. I. Am. Spent. Dripping sweat and needing food, I make my departure quickly after trying to give Michael Kelley a friendly parting word.
It's ok Michael Kelley, even the best of us make mistakes sometimes. Not quite like the t-shirt mistake, but I might misspell a word here and there on my blog. Maybe. I can't wait to see, read, or hear what Coach Paul has to say about this. *insert evil grin and laugh here*
So there you go Wednesday...two PR's and pull ups...BOOM.
Lemon, out.
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