Second day in a row? Be shocked. I know.'re welcome.
Wednesdays have never been my favorite days. They are two days away from Monday, but two days away from Friday, and people call it "hump" day. Idk, just never been my favorite. Also...I have started saying the letters "idk" in place of the words "I don't know". Don't ask. It's very teenage girl of me, but for some reason, I can't stop.
Abbreviations aside, Wednesdays have quickly become a special day to me lately. Wednesdays are deadlift days. I like deadlifts. They make me feel strong. My old three rep max was 168#. Today was supposed to be no different. But it was.
First, there was the very big problem that I was in full make-up. This presents several problems. I typically attend the morning class with a fresh face. I feel like my face will melt off during the workout when I have make-up on. It would be like a really freakish CrossFit horror movie in which the short sweaty girl frightens off the rest of the gym members due to looking like Freddy. Or was it Jason? Idk. Also when I begin to sweat the make-up can get in my eyes and it stings. Tonight was no exception. Perhaps I should wash my face before evening workouts from now on. You know, get all clean and fresh for the gym. Wait.....
Today before deadlifts Michael Kelley tells us to work up to a heavy set of three, or if last week was hard, to work up to that weight at five instead if we want. I have a problem with warm up sets. I never know if I want to warm up with lighter weight and then jump to my goal, or if I want to steadily work up to it and only have to jump ten pounds. That being said, today my time management was very poor. I worked up to 153# for five reps. Michael Kelley was NOT impressed.
I will take this regularly scheduled break to note a very special conversation and accomplishment. Upon getting ready for the wod, Kristin asked me how deadlifts went, I very shortly explained how poor I am with my time management skills, then asked her what she did. Ms. Kristin Kirby entered the 200# club tonight! So a huge congrats to her!!! There are several women in the 200# deadlift club, and each one is equally impressive and amazing! Hopefully with Michael Kelley's time management assistance, I can get there sooner than later!
Tonight's wod consisted of the following:
4 rounds for repetitions
1 minute plate burpees (25# plate)
1 minute toes to bar
1 minute double unders
1 minute rest
Sets go as follows:
1. 14, 13, 30 Total: 57
2. 13, 11, 22 Total: 46
3. 12, 9, 13 Total: 34
4. 10, 10, 7 Total: 27
Round one was ok. I felt like I was keeping a pace, and burpees aren't my specialty. Add a 25# plate on top, and it's magic that I can get that many done in sixty seconds. Toes to bar is also another favorite. I have decided that my body just likes to swing on the bar instead of kip. Kipping is a skill, one I have not yet mastered. It's a work in progress. Double unders are my mortal enemy, well, right behind wall ball, and running, and maybe rowing. Anyway...I think Michael Kelley secretly hates me. Or maybe he's just mad at me. Why, you ask? Because he took burpees, added weight, then toes to bar, then double unders, and made it a wod. Three of the most challenging things about the box to me were the wod. He should name that one after me. Seriously. Then everyone can say "I hate Brooke". But then again no one would ever say that. I'm friggen fantastic.
Second round was almost on par to first. At this point I'm slowing, but keeping somewhat of a pace. Double unders are coming more easily than they typically do, and I'm not sure why, but I've learned not to question it when things come slightly more easily.
Round three sucked. You see that right? It S U C K E D. At the end of round three, I sit down, frustrated, glad I'm done. Then I hear Michael Kelley say "thirty seconds". Wait...what? Oh damn, that's right. FOUR rounds. Not three. Shit.
Round four was just pathetic. Round four it took everything I had to do ten burpees in one minute, ten toes to bar in one minute, and the double unders just completely disappeared at this point.
Practice makes perfect, so that's what I'll do. In the other window of my browser, I am currently ordering an RX Jump rope. Well not right now, but I need to choose the size, and the color, color is terribly important! I shall practice until I can defeat double unders.
Once the wod was complete, we had a three minute glute bridge task to complete. I chose a 25# dumbbell. Sixty two reps in three minutes. ass was on fire.
So, what did we learn today?
1. Brooke needs to improve her time management while in the box.
B. Kristin Kirby is, in fact, a beast. Also, I attribute her success to my kind words in my last post.
III. Double unders will soon become my bitch.
Tis all tonight my loving and adoring fans. I shall re-connect at some point on Friday, seeing as how Thursday is REST day!
Goodnight my loves.
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