
but i wanna be like LeBron...

Hello all. No, I haven't taken another week off. Honestly, I've just been 'working', and been busy so I haven't had time to entertain you all.

But fear not, your leader is back and ready to amuse you.

I went to the gym three times last week. Yep...not too bad. I do remember one of those days I got so frustrated with my workout that I almost quit. Another day involved running. And yet another day my neck was still so sore from my injury that I got while moving my loving sister to complete it.

Last Monday we did Olympic lifting, then five rounds for time of the following:

3 power cleans

9 burpees

12 toes to bar

However, since I couldn't lift very heavily, I did 6 power cleans with just the bar instead. I only made it through four rounds before having to call it quits because of my neck. Ugh.

Tuesday I missed because I set my alarm clock all wrong. Boo.

Wednesday was fun. We took some time to establish a 1RM of three touch and go power cleans. I forget what my max was. It is written down in my book at the box. I do keep up with things, last week was a tad crazy, so I forgot to take pictures of my WOD's so I had them when I was blogging about it. I work so hard to entertain you.

After the strength part on Wednesday, we did the following for conditioning.

In twelve minutes:

100 double unders...

then with remaining time:

5 push jerks at 70% of 1RM for tag power clean

200 meter run

Since I've never attempted a double under in my LIFE...Mike decides it would be a good idea to let me just to six minutes of as many double unders as I can complete, then spend the other six minutes doing the rest. Double unders are not the hardest thing in the world. I'd rather try double unders than wall ball any day. However, the jumprope is so thin, that when you miss your double under, it smacks you. It's like a small punishment for not getting it. Like a smack on the ass with a switch from when you were younger. This happened to me several times over the course of six minutes, and no, I did not enjoy it. I also got little whips on my shins, calves, and on my arms. There was also a time where I accidentally stood on the rope as I tried to attempt one and the rope came ripping out of my hand. Ouch.

With the remaining six minutes, I get three rounds plus five reps. I think I was using around fifty three or fifty eight pounds. That workout was tough. Running gets me every time. Every time I head out of the back door of the gym for the run, I just think to myself, "I hate running". I'm sure it does nothing for my motivation, but somewhere along the way I remind myself that bikini season is coming up, and my hatred for running subsides momentarily. Then I have to turn around and run BACK to the gym, and the hatred returns.

Thursday was open gym, but I really wanted to do Tuesday's WOD. That's the one I missed.

Strength for the WOD was four sets of five low bar back squat at 60, 65, 70, and 75% of your 1RM. My 1RM is 115, so you do the math. Once that was completed successfully, the next part was three pull ups on the minute for ten minutes. I started out with the blue band, which is fifty pounds of resistance. After the sixth round, I had to add the red. No way I was completing all thirty, and that's what Mike wanted me to accomplish. The next part I didn't do, because it included squats, and we were squatting Friday too. So I did three heavy sets of deadlifts and called it a day.

Needless to say...I missed Friday...shucks.

Monday comes, and I have to be in the office on time. That gives me two options, sleep in and go Tuesday, or get up and go to the six am class on Monday and then go Tuesday. I slept in.

I packed up all my things last night, and rose bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning to go to the gym. As I walk in the door, Mike looks at me and laughs. I didn't think that was very nice, but he says that's the reaction I invoke. Ugh.

The WOD is the following:

Low bar back squat: (instructions are to fight the urge to max out and stick to the percentages)

5 @ 60% *68#

3 @ 70% *78#

2 @ 80% *88#

2 @ 90% *103#

1 @ 95% *108#

1 @ 103% *118#

So, if all works out, then everyone should have a new 1RM today. Well, I did!!! If you'll remember, last time I maxed out, I did a sloppy 118#, so he set my 1RM at 115#. Today he said this one was better than last time. Very excited about this!

The next step was similar to what we did last week. Okay, I lie, it's identical to what I did last week. We are to do three pull ups on the minute for ten minutes. The goal this time is to challenge, even if you can't complete all thirty, to at least have a baseline to improve on. So this time, he gives me the blue band. At first it was the red, because I suppose I was feeling saucy, but I quickly remembered that the red band was not quite enough. So blue band alone it was. In between a few of the sets, I would chalk back up to get a better grip on the bar. At one point, Mike said, "can you not chalk so much?". I immediately clapped my hands together at him sending a puff of chalk into the air. He looks at me disapprovingly. "But I wanted to be like LeBron", I scoff. He returns my look with a menacing look and says, "and I like to have a clean gym.". Sorry, coach. Last week I started out with the blue, but transitioned to blue/red after six sets.

I completed all thirty!!! YaY!

The next part of our conditioning is wall ball. Have I mentioned how much I hate wall ball? The plan is do to AMRAP in three minutes. Longest. Three. Minutes. Ever. I choose the eight pound ball, simply because I do not think I can hit the target with the ten pound ball every time. Boy...was I right. I get forty three reps in three minutes. And I hate wall ball even more now.

I'll add, there were about six reps I couldn't count because they didn't hit the target. I was honest at least. The other ones I'd hear coach Mike go "Nope!".

He's very motivational.

Now that you're all caught up, I should get back to my job. Especially since my boss is a Facebook friend. I know...I don't know why either.

Here's to working hard at the gym, and hardly working at work. Kidding, boss. Swear!!!

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