Yesterday was an off day for me, so today, I got put through yesterday's WOD. We started out building up to max clean thruster for fifteen minutes. Clean thrusters I don't mind. I don't mind them because I can use my leg momentum to push the weight overhead. A clean thruster starts in clean position, then you clean but squat with the weight, and use your momentum to press overhead. I worked up to sixty-eight. Not too bad. Mike did have to yell at me a couple of times to squat fully. Oops.
After working up to our max, we were set for the WOD.
Five sets for time:
10 clean thrusters at 50% (for me...the bar...33 pounds)
15 jumping lunges ( back and forth switching legs)
20 ab mat sit ups (yuck...we all know how weak my core is)
The first set isn't so bad. I think I have to take a breath on seven or eight of the cleans, but not bad. Jumping lunges weren't awful either. Least favorite so far is sit ups. Second set was a different story. Three cleans here, four there until I get ten. Jumping lunges are starting to feel awful though. My knees are banging the floor, and my toes are barely getting off the ground. When the song changes in the box, I can hear my toes scraping as I try desperately to drag my back leg to the front to avoid falling on my face. At this point I have to do three sets of five. I take a short break in between, long enough for Mike to see me and yell to keep going. Ab mat sit ups. Even the second set sucks. Before the third set I realize I haven't moved any of my chips yet, Mike realized it first actually, and was tempted to make me start over. Hell no...I took two chips and tossed them to the side. Third set is rough. My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest. Move the chip. Set four, pauses, deep breaths, sweat, move the chip. Fifth set, pauses, more pauses, more yelling, a little smiling, deep breaths, drink of water, and time.
Sixteen forty five...not awful. Mike stayed with me my last five sit ups, encouraging me to finish in under seventeen. I counted out the last seven or eight. He's a motivator...I can't wait to go back tomorrow. Although, when Mike describes the WOD with a smile...we're in for it.
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