

Yes, I titled my blog with a hashtag, hate all you want. I quite enjoy hashtags, and conversations that include hashtags. Sometimes Thomas James Kelley and I play games to see how long we can carry on a conversation using only hashtags. I typically lose, but I think he cheats.
Moving on.
Mindset has always been a struggle for me. Whether it's my mindset at work, in the gym, with my family, or in relationships, my mindset always seems to hold me back. I tend to think of the reasons things won't work, instead of the reasons things could work. That's deep for the blog, isn't it? I have a point.
Sunday I was invited to go to church with a dear old friend of mine. He's been asking me to go for a while, and something told me this Sunday was the Sunday to do just that. The message delivered was about storms, and the Pastor had one phrase that has stuck with me. "If God keeps facing you with the same storm, you have to ask, are you learning the lesson he wants you to learn?"
Over the past few years, I feel that I keep getting hit with the same storm, so I asked myself, 'what have you learned'?
I tend to take things on all by myself. I don't talk about my personal life a whole lot, I tend to keep things to myself, as not to burden others with my problems. But here lately, I've found that sometimes saying things out loud makes them real. Once you can hear yourself say something out loud that you've said in your head a thousand times, it takes on a different meaning, it becomes powerful, it becomes real.
I'm getting there.
I've decided to alter my mindset. I've decided that positivity is the way to go. Complain less, chin up, smile on your face, and be thankful for what God has blessed you with. I have so much. I have my own house, my health, a great job, wonderful friends, a supportive sister, a beautiful, healthy niece, and my God. I have more than most people could dream of having.
How does this affect crossfit?
In the gym I have this constant battle in my head. My brain always tells my body "you can't", "it's too hard", "you've done enough, you can stop now". Well, out with that. This past week, the dialogue in my head has been, "this pain is temporary, push", "you know you have one more rep", "it's only six minutes", and "sore today, strong tomorrow".
That makes a HUGE difference. Who knew positive inner dialogue partnered with the great motivation received at the gym could make such a difference? You know what this reminds me of? Coach Paul. Coach Paul always use to tell us to have a positive outlook, to get rid of the "can't" and focus on doing the work.
Now, this post has been deep. So, if it makes you feel better, this week I also sound like a 50 year old smoker. My voice has been rough and smoker-like since about Saturday, and I think the plane travel had everything to do with it. After all, planes are just big germ tanks. So, my smoker voice, paired with this scritchy throat, yes, scritchy, have been fun this week.
I have also slept better this week than in months past. Part of that is the workouts, yes, the other part are the prayers I say at night. God is working in my life right now.
So, about Crossfit Brave. Coach Mikey D (I'm still trying out names), has been very supportive. He always has a positive word, and is always very motivational. I have had the pleasure of working out with Nadia, also. She is incredible. She's quietly fierce, but an incredible motivator also. This gym has been a pleasant surprise. I feel more comfortable than I expected. It's always hard starting new, going somewhere unfamiliar, but to be welcomed so warmly has made it easier to make the transition.
Well...I've typed my fingers numb (and that's not just from all the overhead squats this morning), and I'm pretty sure I should be working, so I'll leave it at that, for now.
Lemon, out.


oops...guess who quit again...

Me? No!!!!  To be sure the girl who's blog is titled, "Tales of a Quitter" hasn't quit something again!  Gasp!

It happened. The last time I attended Zeal was January. If you haven't noticed, it's July. Hello, summer! Oh, and let's be honest, I went ONCE in January. This after only attending once or twice in December, and possibly November as well.

So, here's the update. Do you want the long story or the short story? Long, you say? You got it.

Over the past few months, I canceled my membership at Zeal. You know how much I love that place. Well, then I'll explain. I leased a car, seemed like an awesome idea, right? Cheaper payments, newer car. Oh wait...the mileage restriction! Riiiiiight. I figured out that my eighteen mile, one way, drive to Zeal four or five times a week would KILL my mileage. Admittedly, that's not the only reason I canceled, I had gotten lazy. I decided I could take what I had learned and put it into good use at the regular gym.

I. Was. So. Wrong.

First of all, I didn't join a regular gym until the last day in January. It gets better. I didn't attend said regular gym until March. Yep. You read that. Please feel free to cringe now.

I decided after a two mile run on a weekday in May (after being absent for three weeks, okay, four), that I HAD to get back into CrossFit. I just had to. I was unhappy with the way I felt, the way I looked, the way I was eating. I let the laziness overcome me. I let the comfort of my home and food completely destroy all my hard work and progress. Keep in mind, I say I let it happen, because that's it. It didn't happen TO me, it happened BECAUSE of me. Let's get that straight. Too often people don't take responsibility for their actions, or in my case, lack of action.

So, I started looking for CrossFit gyms closer to my house. As much as I miss Zeal and love my Zeal family (more than most of them realize), I had to find another option. Michael Kelley then recommended one gym out of the list I sent him. That gym was CrossFit Brave. He said he liked the coach, and that he was a good guy. That's all I needed to hear. I emailed Mike Darlington (whom I may call Michael Darlington just for history's sake), and he invited me in the next day.

Thus my CrossFit journey begins anew. I am weaker than I was, of course, and everything seems so much harder than it used to. Luckily, Coach Michael Darlington, Coach Mike?, Coach D? Coach Michael?, I may need some time to decide. I digress. Luckily Mr. Darlington is very patient, and very kind. He is also very knowledgeable. So far it's been an immense pleasure being there. He truly cares about his athletes, their progress, weaknesses, and goals. No wonder Michael Kelley likes him.

Starting from the bottom is no fun. Deadlifting 70% of your old max and feeling like you might die sucks. Burpees suck. 16" box jumps suck. But that's the life of a quitter. Forget what you used to be able to do, that means nothing now. Those are just goals to re-attain. Now I deal with my decision to quit, and find a way to let it motivate me, and remind me never to quit again. Not something like this, something so life altering that you amaze yourself every week.

So here I am, once again, sharing my tale of quitting, giving up, and facing a fresh and frustrating start.

Lemon, out.